Keep Moving!

26 November 2021 Musings

Mikie Jones, MCS


We just moved into a new office room! It’s so exciting!

When we moved in, we were situated outside with the fixed desk. We could not be loud outside as we were going to be disturbing others.

Sometimes, we were loud and I don’t think anybody was happy with that. Now, we can be as loud as we want inside the room.

Every day, we continue to do our streams on Twitch. We are just putting in the time here in hopes that we will be fine in the end. There is much to do in the office where we are. The main concern is whether we are going to be freaking the viewers out with so much work that we are doing here.

The trick is to be relaxed at work, chill while working and not stress people out watching us do work. I think that’s how we should be streaming. Being chilled and relaxed while working. Then more people will be coming in.

Today is 36/12–15 #2. Next time to sleep is 12 AM Sunday. You can do the math, after I woke up at 12 PM today on a Friday.

My main concern is still getting enough cash to start a family. I know that everything takes time and that we can only do so much. But I know what I do will be enough. That we will be reaching our goals in another year or 2 because we know that our hard work will pay off.



Mikie Jones, MCS

My name is Mikie Jones. I am living the #GrabLife and blogging about it. I also post my #journal here that hopefully will make you feel life is beautiful.