Twitch. Hacked.

Be the next Twitch Millionaire. Yes?

Mikie Jones, MCS


Guess what happened when some of the top Twitch streamers will find out when they turn on the news? Their earnings got hacked, and information is floating in cyberspace right now.

What we know is that the top Twitch streamers are getting millions of dollars streaming on the platform. Playing games and earning millions.

Now we are talking business. So let’s talk some, shall we?

Getting Millions Just to Play Games

Playing games all day used to be for the rebel or delinquent who could not cut it at school. Or the geek that uses gaming as the ultimate drug.

Now with Twitch, you can stream games all day long, 7 days a week and still earn your millions like any other high paying job.

It’s very tempting, especially for all the wannabes that hope to earn millions from their endeavours.

Your only investment would be to buy a real power gaming rig that costs around $5000, stream 3 times a week and then…



Mikie Jones, MCS

My name is Mikie Jones. I am living the #GrabLife and blogging about it. I also post my #journal here that hopefully will make you feel life is beautiful.